Query build is an essential feature of Draxlr, with the Query builder, you can get answers from your database without writing SQL Code. The Query Builder provides an interactive interface and some tools to help you filter, sort, combine and summarize your data.



The Select option lets you choose the fields you want to get in the response from your database table.


As the name suggested, the filter option lets you filter your data. You can add multiple filters and group them together too. You can combine them in a way that all of them must be satisfied or some of them must be satisfied by the result. The Filters are aware of the data type of the table and the field you’re applying to.


Joins option lets you combine data from two related Tables. If both tables have a field that links them you can use Joins to combine results from them. If your database does not have the Foreign Constrains you can add custom joins also. You are not just limited to one table, you can combine data from multiple tables. Draxlr supports all types of join operations. Once you have joined your data you can filter and sort based on them, or even summarize your data based on that.


The sort option lets you order your results based on a certain field or fields. You can order in Ascending or Descending order.


The summarize option lets you summarize your data by applying certain SQL functions to your database field. You can count, distinct count, sum, average, find minimum or maximum, or more. Summarization options can be used along with Group by too. You can also add multiple summarization options.

Group By

Group by is used with summarization to group the summarization results based on a field or fields.